Thursday, December 15, 2011

EU LIFE Programme

Are you involved in a LIFE-project?
CHAMP and Integrated Management for Sustainable Development is supported by the European Commission within the LIFE-Programme.

Of course, there is potential for improvement regarding the management of the LIFE-Programme and the supported projects as well as other EU programmes. But so far, LIFE is the only financial instrument to support nature and environmental projects in the European Union.

Yes - also other programmes are supporting increasingly sustainability projects, but LIFE allows the implementation of model initiatives and - of special importance - to really look for the "European Added Value".

The current LIFE Programme will end by Dec. 2013 and the continuation of LIFE is still not sure! DG Environment is fighting for the continuation of LIFE and we all should support this.

Yesterday, the European commission published the proposal for the new LIFE 2014 - 2020:
A LIFE Programme for the Environment and Climate Action with a budget of3,2 billion Euro

Environment Commissioner Janez Potočnik said: "The LIFE Programme is key to
designing better environmental policy. It is available to support all those people and
organisations who are working to make sure that legislation results in better
outcomes for the environment in Europe. We are reforming the programme to
deliver greater impact by mobilising support in an integrated way from other funding

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